This post will be about Vincent Van Gogh's painting, Sunflowers. This painting is part of a series done by Vincent. This one was done in 1888.
One of the first irregularities that I notice is the fact that his signature is on the vase itself, not in the corner as it usually is done. I also notice that all of the flowers are different. It must have been difficult to do this if he didn't have actual flowers standing in front of him. The one flower I find strange is the one on the far left, which is drawn backwards. There are brown parts on the green. I honestly don't know what the back of a sunflower looks like, but I wouldn't have drawn it with brown spots on it.
Another thing that draws my attention is the wall on the left. It has a strange white area, drawn in a graph-like way. Once again, it makes me wonder what that is. Maybe it is the way the light is falling on the wall and that's Van Gogh's way of drawing it. Maybe not.
I also find it peculiar that the flowers in the bottom part are all... not the standard sunflower. I usually imagine a sunflower to look more like the ones on the top part of the picture, with all their petals.