As requested by readers of the blog, I will post about music, specifically, the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. Why? I wish I could tell you. It's just the first music piece that popped into my head.
And guess what? It wasn't even always called that. It used to be called *drumroll please...*
Piano Sonata No. 14. Exciting, huh?
Yeah, I didn't think so. It was completed in 1801 and didn't recieve it's popular nickname until 1832.
I really love this piece of music, but (yes, there's a but) it's so hard to play on the piano!
Set aside the fact that it's really slow and I don't like to play slowly. I just don't have a large enough hand to stretch a couple notes beyond an octave! It's not my fault...
I still want to play it, but it just doesn't sound right. And my hands hurt from stretching them at least an octave without rest for 3 minutes.
Other than that, it's a really beutiful piece of music.
I wonder if some composers have their little routine to compose a new melody. Now that I think about it, composing music is tedious work. You (most likely, I really don't know how true this is) have to hear something in your head, then figure out the notes to it on the piano or whatever instrument you're composing for, then write it all down. And then do the same thing again. And again. And again. And again. Until you're done.(I just realized I could have used copy-paste. Oh well. I am a blonde...)
And then you have to hope that someone likes it enough to play it in some concert hall so you can get some money and hope your hours and hours of work weren't for nothing.
"Oh well. I am a blonde" nice touch ;) lol