Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Woman Cutting by Kazimir Malevich

OK... you know the drill: this painting is called Woman Cutting and was painted by Kazimir Malevich.
I find this painting just plain strange. First of all, the woman is... big. Usually painters paint these perfect, pretty, skinny young ladies. I guess this woman was the only one around.
She also looks like she's missing a thumb of the hand that she's holding whatever she's cutting with. And what is she cutting? And what is she cutting it with? I guess the black area next to her hand is supposed to be a knife, but it really doesn't look like she's holding it, whatever it is.
Are those curtains she's cutting? When I imagine somebody cutting, I think of food or paper, not curtains... Maybe Kazimir Malevich was "too creative" for paper...