Monday, February 22, 2010

Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino's Vision of a Knight

This is Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino's Vision of a Knight, completed in 1504.
Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, better known as Raphael, is considered to be one of the best artists of his time, along with Michaelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.
This might be Raphael's "vision of a knight," but definitely not mine. Where's the shining armor? And the glorious white steed? And why is he asleep!!!???!!!???!!!???
Of course I understand that the shining armor might have been less popular then, but you could have come up with a more courageous-looking picture of a knight! At least standing up...
And what the heck is he using as a pillow? What is that red thing? Is that his saddle? If it is, where's the horse?
Also, his face is so pale I would have never guessed he had spent even an hour outside. They weren't supposed to have had sunscreen in the 16th century.
Another thing I find peculiar about this is the way the women are dressed. The guy, too, but let's call that his pajamas. The females' costumes seem to be normal until you get about halfway, no matter which side you're looking from - the top or the bottom. The cloth seems to drape in a strange way. The woman on the right also has some bead-like decoration on her dress.
On the other hand, I like the way the artist showed the mountains in the back, covered by fog. The castle seems mysterious and dramatic, too.

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